Parallel? How do you set the VTA?

Silly question, but how do you guys determine whether your tonearm is parallel to the record surface? I had my tonearm set up happily for months, but recently started messing around with the cartridge alignment and the VTA, and I'll be damned, but the folded index card method gets me nowhere now. Even with adjustments I keep getting the same visual effect. Happily my ear tells me when the setting is off, but as a base, how do you determine conclusively your tonearm is parallel? For reference, I have a VPI Classic. Thanks.
Zenblaster, it is all about the “best” compromise. You set the 92 degree sra for an average thickness, etc. Variance in record thickness, difference in cutting head angles, will affect the sra but not to the extent that it will significantly change the tonal balance of the cartridge. I would hazard a guess and say that 99% of all audiophiles do not adjust VTA to compensate for record variances. Also, some stylus tip are more sensitive to sra than others.

I've been doing exactly that for 10 years, except that I've no need for calipers. The height adjustment scale on my tonearm provides precisely repeatable settings.

The optimal arm height for each LP is recorded on a sticky note on the record jacket (and updated if I change cartridges). Setting arm height for a re-play takes only seconds.

Set and forget? Nope. Set and remember works better for me.
I don't change VTA when changing records -- that would require not only repeatable settings, it would really require listening and finding the ideal setting for each particular record. That would be a lifetime project.

I can hear the difference when I make surprisingly small changes in VTA by moving the arm up or down at its base. Whether this is really attributable entirely to a VTA change, or whether a small change in tracking force is also involved, is really an academic issue -- I hear a change regardless of the actual cause. But, I cannot see it being worth the effort to optimize VTA each time I play a record.

If differences in record thickness, and the resulting effect on sound, is that big a deal to someone, perhaps that person is a candidate for a longer arm -- the length will reduce the VTA change for any given change in height of the record surface.
I can’t see adjusting VTA for every album either. What happens if you change your cartridge? You’ve got to start all over with each album. Not criticizing those who do adjust for each album…it’s just not for me
The beauty of the ET2 linear tracking, air bearing tonearm (along with other beauties): easy (takes seconds), repeatable, VTA/SRA adjustments; WHILE THE RECORD IS PLAYING!