Best Tonearm for Thorens TD-124.

I wonder what tonearm Art Dudley prefers to use with his TD-124. Mine is to be mounted on a solid plinth, with or without rubber mushrooms, I don't know yet. I'm thinking Ortofon 2M Black or Clearaudio Maestro cartridge. Anyone out there in Audioland with any suggestions? Thanks, GK
I am using an Ortofon SMG-212 tonearm from the late 50's with an Ortofon Silver Meister SPU cartridge..pure magic. You will however need to shell out big bucks for this particular setup.
Presently running a TD-124 mki with an SME 3012r and a Denon DL-103 with the Level 3 retip ifrom Soundsmith in a Uwe African ebony body. Pairs really well with my older Audio Research-based system. I also have a TD-124 mkii with an Ortofon RMG 212 and an Ortofon 90th Anniversary SPU. But that table needs a more sturdier plinth and I've been trying to troubleshoot a low hum and haven't been successful in eliminating it yet.

At some point, I hope to acquire a 12" Schick tonearm and pair that with the Ortofon SPU on the mki.
Thorens 124+ SoutherSLA3, paralelltracking,+Decca silver grey export cartridge, dont sound to bad at all.
Probably, there is no "best"..... only personal favorites. I've been spinning records on an early TD124 (sn 2729) with three different arms and a few different cartridges.

Apart from the arms and cartridges, I should point out that the turntable became a lot more interesting after I had upgraded the motor mounts from mk1 to a mkII configuration. This made a significant difference in signal/noise ratio and the amount of fine detail this TT can reproduce.

The first arm I tried was an Expressimo modified Rega RB250 tonearm. I had a Denon Dl103R mounted to that. Then I made some mods to the Denon to get more SQ out of it. Ebony body. Then a SS ruby cantilever/Fineline styus. I fiddled around with headweights to get the mass higher on the Rega to suit the Denon. I enjoyed that setup quite a lot.

Then I tried, just for kicks, a Graham 2.2 tonearm with Ortofon Jubilee MC cartridge. I had the Graham on a Teres 145, and just wanted to know if the arm would "work" on a TD124. It was pretty good. It certainly looked a lot deeper into the groove and extracted more detail than did the RB250/DL103R setup. But it was also quite a bit more "polite" sounding. Not as forward as before. A lesser "jump factor" if you will. So I took the Graham / Jubilee off.

Then I tried a Zeta tonearm that had the wires upgraded with an Incognito harness. I used the wood bodied DL-103R on that for a few years. And was happy. Nearly as much detail retrieval as with the Graham, but with an excellent "jump factor" and energy delivery. Life was good.

Then I managed to find someone who could re-furbish my Shelter 501-II cartridge. After getting the Shelter back I put that on the Zeta. Oh boy! Another couple of levels better than with the Dl-103R. And that nice midrange. But energy levels were higher than with the Denon, as was detail retrieval. Good stuff.

Then, one day, I wondered about trying the Graham 2.2 again. Only this time, use the Shelter. An hour later I had that up and working. this time, not so polite. Good "jump factor". Excellent energy delivery. Detail retrieval is the best I've heard. Glorious intimate mid-range. Best yet.

Future plans:
I have an SP10 mkII project in the works. The Graham/Shelter will go on that. Once the dust has settled I will turn back to the Thorens and look into doing a proper 12 inch arm and SPU cartridge. I haven't decided on the arm yet, but popular opinion favors the Schick tonearm. Reasonable priced with excellent reviews all over the web. And the arm was made for SPU hook up. So that just may be my path over the next few years.

For me, I always need to keep trying new combinations. Especially when they take me further toward audio nirvana. :-)
