Fremer's review of the Anna cartridge

Fremer reviews the $8499 cartridge very positively, but it takes three different samples of the cartridge for him to get there. The first sample exhibited "an incompatibility between the adhesives used and the elastomer of which the cartridge's damper is made." Fremer notes "[e]vidently, however, this problem didn't affect every Anna that left the factory." Wow, what a relief. In the second sample, apparently "some the glue that secures the stylus in the cantilever had dripped." The third sample, after 100 hrs of break-in finally delivered. Fremer suggests buying and using an USB microscope as part of the cartridge buying process.

Does anyone else think this is absolutely nuts? It seems to me, at this price level, every single cartridge should be absolutely perfect. Haven't Ortofon heard of quality control? This also applies to Lyra whose $9500 Atlas cartridge had the stylus affixed to the cantilever at an angle that made it virtually impossible to get the SRA of 92 degrees.
It is the 1200 - 1500 hours life span of the replicant 100 stylus that has me staying clear of buying another Ortofon cart with this extreme stylus profile.

The Lyra micro line stylus luckily will last at least double that.

The rebuild prices are not unreasonable as they have to virtually rebuild the cartridge.

For me my A90 is unlikely to be rebuilt, however my Atlas surely will.

The cart producers get the whole cantilever/stylus combo from their supplier. The so called 'retip' is usually a simple substitution of this combo. The 'real retip' by which a new stylus is glued in the existing cantilever seems to be much more difficult job to do. So the solution of the 'stylus problem' is obvious. To 'virtually rebuild the cartridge' and ask unreasonable price make no sense to me. If one need to change the tyre one will rarely rebuild the whole car because of the tyre. No wonder the most of us use repair cervices like Ledermann , Axel Schurholz, Van den Hul, etc.
"IMHO any manufacturer who is "beta" testing on the public has no right to be in business"

I would agree, but what you don't know is how many of the supposed "great names" essentially do this exact thing! Little scientific testing, designs by guys who are little more than garage tinkerers, thrown out there with a high price tag. It's all over the industry.
Speaking of poor QC ,a friend bought a brand new Graham Phantom tone arm. This tone arm had wiring problems right out of the Box! The Magna Glide system was loose, both magnets were touching! Ordered two tone arms, one was .060 thousands longer than the other! 5K retail , what a big joke.
Jeb, .060 variance in length is hardly something to worry about considering the headshell has slots to adjust the overhang. Wiring problems are not good though. The magnets are adjustable I assume. Those problems may have happened in shipping or someone had a bad day. I assume the issues were addressed in a timely manner?