Everything about this is wrong...

I just finished a refurb/rebuild of a turntable, and I'm still puzzled.
The 'table is a Transcriptors Transcriber - yes this is the one where the "arm" is integral with the lid, and the platter itself moves tangentially. This unit just about breaks every rule of turntable design. The top and sides are glass; the record is suspended on a number of rubber nipples; and of course as the tangential movement is incremental one could make the argument that the stylus is never in the right position - the platter is always 'catching up'

So, it's a nightmare of sensible design - on paper. It may be beautiful to look at, but it makes no sense in terms of conventional thinking. And, if it had been such a good idea, unconventional or not, the idea would have caught on.

I compared the sound to two other turntables: one was a well-modified Thorens 150 AB (zero issues with this unit, and perfectly set up) and the other was a DD Kenwood 7010 from Japan, again perfectly set up. Arguably, neither of these tables is the absolute top-drawer, but they're both very good; maybe with slightly different signatures, but having compared them with today's offerings I've never felt the need to do much about upgrading them.

I have a number of excellent Shure V15 III cartridges, and this being a traditional choice, one was attached and adjusted. The records varied, but a re-issue of Stevie Wonder's Talking Book was the most profound shock!

Nothing prepared me for the simply holographic imaging that the Transcriber produced. The music had the sounds I am used to, but the soundstage was something I`ve never experienced to such a degree. To reiterate, there was nothing in the basic sonic signature that was very different from what I`m used to; but the imaging itself was simply extraordinary. I've tried some pretty exotic front ends in the past, but never felt like radically upgrading: yes, there were certainly differences when using a $10K turntable and arm/cartridge, but never did I think these were anything but subtle and probably not worthwhile.

Bottom line: what do you think is going on? I rebuilt the Transcriber for fun only. I didn't think the sound would be anything out of the ordinary - in fact I though quite the opposite. But, initially, I am stunned, and prepared to think that my assumptions were all just that - groundless assumptions.
As the title suggests, everything about this turntable is wrong, and it shouldn't have produced the extraordinarily involving music that I heard last night. But it seems to have done just that. Now I'm wondering what else I'm going to hear from my record collection....

The system is a Quad: ESL 57 speakers, Quad amp and pre-amp, and the cabling is sound throughout. Capable of sublime music, and one I do not think I will ever `improve`.
I try to keep in touch with what's going on in the industry, regularly visiting the high-end audio stores and always come away relieved that my money is safe!

But....this odd turntable, this masterpiece of contrary thinking is doing things I have rarely even come close to experiencing. Why?
A unique design and apparent solid construction. Would expect some unique results.
Actusreus. Indeed: this sounds premature. But it was a long night of listening...
And the process was repeated the next night - with exactly the same set of results and impressions. And the same head-scratching. At this point I'm going to be in danger of sleep-deprivation!

The salient differences were again a holographic presentation of music, regardless of genre (anything from 14th century plainsong to rock) and the strongest suspicion that the noise-floor was much lowered. Inner details better articulated, image height improved, and out-of-phase information greatly enhanced, all contributing to a sound that was immediately highly involving - none of this being particularly subtle.

The only observations I can make are these. The "arm" on the turntable is a thin wafer of aluminum. I don't recall the actual weight of the unit but it is only a few grams. Not much longer than the cartridge it rides on a jeweled pivot. I suppose, like all unipivot-type arms the setup is a critical matter. The design of the arm actually makes this rather easier than some I've used. As well, the "cables" from the cartridge (which are truly micro-fine) have to be very carefully dressed as any improper placement would probably cause a degree of drag.
What is left is a Shure V15 III with the most minimal mounting imaginable. It is somewhat difficult to envisage a more vestigial setup.

I believe this is the only matter of any importance, and that the lack of mass renders the lack of record support unimportant.

I have done a little reading on this system: the writings are very scant, and some of the reports are as one might expect) quite damning. These led me to expect a lackluster result - hence my surprise.

I actually hesitated more than once before committing anything to print; my suspicion was that I would be accused of infatuation or worse! But, the truth is simply what I hear. Unfortunately there has been next to no discussion of this turntable on the Net, and I'm beginning to think this is a real shame.
The idea of 'massless' arms and linear tracking has been well explored (I used an Eminent Technology air-bearing arm with much pleasure for quite some time) and I believe the concept has much merit.

Mr Gammon, the designer of the Transcriber, has not been always kindly dealt with by the audio press, and again I am beginning to think that this is a shame. If I recall, he was an early pioneer of close to zero-mass arms, and I believe he was on the right track.

Perhaps this execution was simply too much of a departure; and perhaps the 'arm' setup was daunting. I have no idea what would happen if I set the arm up incorrectly (and don't have much of a desire to do so) but perhaps the sound would be greatly impaired if I did so.

There. I've got my observations off my chest! I fear there won't be too much discussion on this and that's regrettable. I, for one, think that this turntable might just have been a minor masterpiece.
Being confused, I had to google this to find a picture. Now I remember seeing one in a HiFi store in the 70's. Not set up, just in the window for wow appeal. Very cool, we thought. 57's, I'm still confused, how does the "arm" travel? And those pucks and rods just support the record on a spinning platter?
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