Dear Tbg: +++++ " if they measure something of value " ++++
normally almost all measurements measure something of value. Measurements normally are not arbitrary but looking " to know something ". Sometimes a measure has no value for us because is not related with what we want to know but even that that measurements has a very specific meaning and value too.
++++ " I would love to see valid measures of this " +++++
me too!!!!, measures that content the drag stylus effect on speed tiny changes and speed recovery at different grooves recorded velocities and at different position trhough the LP recorded " land ".
Now, more that see those valid measures what I would like is that the TT designers take in count those measures.
I can tell you that seems not and easy task to have the overall measures because maybe different stylus shape and tracking cartridge self abilities could modified those measures. I don't know for sure but could be.
I don't know how can affect for that kind of measures changes in the VTF due to LP warps and many other faults that are happening during LP playback.
Regards and enjoy the music,
normally almost all measurements measure something of value. Measurements normally are not arbitrary but looking " to know something ". Sometimes a measure has no value for us because is not related with what we want to know but even that that measurements has a very specific meaning and value too.
++++ " I would love to see valid measures of this " +++++
me too!!!!, measures that content the drag stylus effect on speed tiny changes and speed recovery at different grooves recorded velocities and at different position trhough the LP recorded " land ".
Now, more that see those valid measures what I would like is that the TT designers take in count those measures.
I can tell you that seems not and easy task to have the overall measures because maybe different stylus shape and tracking cartridge self abilities could modified those measures. I don't know for sure but could be.
I don't know how can affect for that kind of measures changes in the VTF due to LP warps and many other faults that are happening during LP playback.
Regards and enjoy the music,