VPI Traveler v1 vs v2 comparison

I am new to the site. I have been considering the purchase of the VPI Traveler but v1 or v2? I was just wondering if anyone knows the changes recently made to the traveler. I know they are said to be "improvements" but it's hard to tell with the new rubber feet and I heard the v2 replaces the IEC with a wall wart power supply, the wiring also appears to be downgraded by looking at the limited pictures I could find.
I have had a Traveler V1 since last Dec and been smitten ever since, so take that into account. I have no experience with V2 but I am not sure what a wall wart brings to the table when there were no problems with V1. (I am aware of the few tonearm issues but I believe they have all been addressed quickley. In fact, this is an exceptional tonearm and the highlight of this table)
I have been very happy with this table because it sounds alot like the other VPI tables, musical, involving and very stable. It also has similar build quality with a more Zen like approach. Simple, economincal, heavy and clean with tight tolerences that feels like a fine instrument. Most turntables in this price range felt a little cheesey to me in comparison. The exception was the Clearaudio Concept, which I felt was a wonderful table in the same way the Traveler is.
I think if the Traveler appeals to you sonically you will have a 'pride of ownership' experience that others have had when you hear and play your lp's.
Thanks, I am just wondering if I should go for the new v2 or pick up the v1 while they are still available and on sale at many locations.
You can call/email VPI and ask them yourself about the changes to help you make this decision. The traveler is a great table and I think you would be happy with either version.

I have the original Traveler and I very happy with this version.