Gyrodec vs Well Tempered Amadeus

I presently own a MKII version of the Gyrodec bought as a demo unit in 1990 with RB300 tonearm upgraded with Techno Weight. The only mods to the Gyrodec are new two piece towers, nylon spacers for arm board and black tak under the skeleton. I use a Blackbird cartridge.

My question is, would a WT Amadeus sound better than what I already have using the same cartridge. Or would i be better off fully upgrading the Gyrodec with new DC motor, plater bearing and Graham 2.2 tonearm?

Upgrade cost about $1500 plus about $1500 for used Graham arm. So about same price as a new WT Amadeus.

I prefer the amadeus to the Gyro and the orbe. Its presentation to my ears is more seductive and beguiling, fabulous with jazz and classical. The michell decks do most things well but can be a little bland with the wrong arm/cart.
Sorry no_regrets, just saw your post.

I think that Robert Greene captured the differences between the Rock and WTA pretty well (and note that in my direct comparisons and his, the arm was the RB300/301-clearly the weak link). The Rock seemed to do bass better than the WTA, while vs the RB300/Rock combo, the WTA seemed a bit better in the treble. Upgrading that Rega arm, did improve the treble and detail retrieval overall, but I did that after the WTA moved on, so no chance to compare the Rock with a Moerch arm directly to a WTA. You can also see more of my thoughts on a Townshend Rock Initial Impressions" thread on Audio Circle.
I just moved from a GTA to a Rock 7 with a Helius arm and my initial impression is the GTA doesn't do anything better than the Townshend. This is coming from a Well Tempered fan too.
Haven't heard the WTA, but depending on how close the gyrodec can get to the orbe, you will be impressed. I recall the 1st couple of minutes with my orbe, SME 309 and SMMC1 cartridge. I've never been overcome with so much emotion from reproduced music.
Thanks Roscoeiii for your reply. I will take a look at at what both you and Robert Greene had to say.