What range of variation are people getting? I have a cheapie digital scale I got off eBay and I don't get a variation greater than +/- 0.05g irrespective of where I put the scale: on top of platter or next to it (given my set up, this puts the scale at least .5 in. lower). I believe I can hear differences in this degree of variation. However, in my opinion, accuracy is not essential here. Precision is more important. One has to locate the correct vtf by ear anyways, so once one is around the area one wants it's just a matter of being able to locate the preferred setting again after repeated testing of different vtf's.
Even for someone like me who adjusts vta for every record, taking a scale out for every record seems insane.
Even for someone like me who adjusts vta for every record, taking a scale out for every record seems insane.