My new Soundsmith Straingauge cartridge

Well, after a bit of dillying and dallying, I finally got 'round to trying a home trial of this cart. After a couple of hours dialling in vtf, and esp. azimuth, it basically sold itself, and I bought it an hour later!
It's without doubt the fastest cart I've ever experienced, surpassing the Decca London Reference, but with none of that cart's tipped up 'whiteness'. But this blazing speed is combined with the natural sweetness of the Lyra Parnassus. It has the neutrality of the Transfiguration Orpheus with the dynamics and involvement of the ESCCo-modded Zu Denon 103. So, fast AND sweet, and neutral AND involving, combinations often too challenging for other so-called SOTA carts. All the carts I've mentioned I've had in my system over the years. But I admit, I haven't heard current contenders to the crown (Lyra Titan/Atlas, Ortofon Anna, Clearaudio Goldfinger etc) to make comparisons.
It's tracking really is superlative, 3d soundstaging/dimensionality is beyond the room constraints, and I really believe it has the least artifact-laden sound of any cart I've heard, with NO aural evidence of a diamond carving thru wax. It's really complimenting what's already a neutral, fast and dynamic analog rig in my system (Trans Fi Salvation direct rim drive tt/Trans Fi Terminator air bearing linear tracking arm)
Hello Spirit, Now I understand it all. I would certainly like to try that unique cartridge hopefully in near future (firsly I need to save some money... or sell something...)
Anyway, I´m glad you´re enjoying, your analog rig is truly very very special. Quite possibly one of the very best there can be. Congrats and Thanks !
Hi Harold, I wouldn't presume it's one of the best, but it certainly outperforms a lot of pricier rigs out there IMHO.
Just installed a Red Wine Audio Black Lightning twin battery psu for the Straingauge. Maintaining all the attributes currently, with a near-zero noise floor. Amazing.
Spirit, I understand your modesty. Technically speaking, you are running a near perfect analog rig. So it´s so easy for you just... tell the truth, because your very long (I guess) journey in Analog is almost over, lol. Now you are relaxed... and you are about to take the last but not certainly the least leap still.
In your system you are combining forces from the two Great (if not the Greatest) Minds in modern Analog. Evolution is gaining speed in tremendous velocity... and you are making History !
Harold, I'm going to get you to write my biography. You'll help me go down in the annals as a very important man, ha ha!
The setup sure sounds different from any analog or digital I've heard before, actually a little closer to 15ips tape that I've heard in the past.
Combines neutrality with warmth to leave you wanting for nothing.
Thanx for the kind words. Will post further on the batt psu in due course.