J&R - $500 http://www.jr.com/audiotechnica/pe/AT_AT33EV/#productTabDetails (some good reviews here)
Needle Doctor - $589 http://www.needledoctor.com/Audio-Technica-Cartridge-AT33EV?sc=2&category=363
Should I check for serial numbers, production dates or something else?
Has anyone tried this cartridge on rega arms, specifically the RP6 arm / table? Do people consider it a excellent, good or poor match? I've been told rega arms like high compliance carts and the AT33EV seems to be in the middle of that range. I would be using it with my Jasmine LP 2.0 mkII phono preamp. It looks like it comes with a nice protective stylus guart like the 95E or my current cart, the Ortofon MC-3 turbo.
Looking forward to see what people have to say about this combo. TIA.
Scott...I've bought 4 or 5 cartridges from Audiocubes2 at the link I provided. I have always had great service and quick turnaround. I think shipping via airmail is only around $20 or so.
I've never bought from any Japanese cartridge sellers on E-Bay, so I have no experience there.
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