Your experience with a Spin Clean RCM?

It's the cheapest commercially available RCM (I think).

What's been your experience? Years ago I had a VPI 16.5 and found it didn't really get the grime off of filthy records but admittedly I only used the VPI fluid.
Spin Clean can be very effective if you add steam to the process. Spin with steam and you will be surprised how more effective it is. I am sure someone is working on a budget ultrsound unit, so don't give in to the high priced stuff.
I've had good results with it. As earlier poster said, best when you have to do a batch. I use mine in combination with Perfection Steamer. Just do a few revolutions with the Spin Clean, lay record flat on towel, steam, then dry. I use a small bowl to cover label. Good luck with whatever you choose.
I like mine works great highly recommended as a good economical solution to cleaning records.
I does a decent job for the price. The problem I have had with it is that unless the brushes are absolutely clean it will leave marks on heavier weight records.
Regards, Sam