Question For VPI Super Scoutmaster Owners

My current set up is a VPI SSM Rim Drive with classic platter. Looking to upgrade the arm . I currently have the Standard JMW 9 base and junction box. I have a couple of Signature armwands that I use with the standard base. I also have a couple of the standard armwands.

I am trying to decide whether to obtain a JMW 9 Signature base and junction box to complete the upgrade to Signature or just upgrade to the Classic 3 arm.

I have heard some on this forum say there is little if any sonic improvements going from the 9 Signature to the Classic 3. I have also heard some say there was a small improvement but nothing jaw dropping.

One concern about the Classic 3 is that my beautiful Gingko table top cover may not fit anymore as it appears the Classic 3 arm hangs slightly over the side of the table.

Any thoughts or insight would be appreciated.


You have fallen victim to Harry's upgrade scam. Dump everything and get a Classic 3, never to be 'upgraded'. I admire Harry's business smarts.
I am one that has posted that the upgrade from the 9 inch to the 12 inch is a very small upgrade ...although I have am ordering the new 3D arm and will post my finding on that one. Regarding the Gingko dust cover....when you have settled on the arm you will use, if you send the dust cover back to Gingko, they can cut out the necessary pieces from your dust cover to accommodate your new arm. The Gingko people are very nice.
I saw that new Armwand at the Newport show last weekend. It's very cool!

Stringreen- I would like to communicate with you by email or phone with a couple of questions. If you don't mind My email address is:

Thanks much,
