Rega RP3 Bias/Anti-Skate

Does anyone know if the anti-skate on the Rega RP3 can be adjusted "on the fly" while the record is playing. It is a magnetic system and is positioned in a way that it seems feasible.
I'm trying to fine tune my cart and may be going overboard but that's the hobby isn't it.

Thanks in advance.
I've adjusted the VTF with a Shure scale and got the Ortofon Salsa dialed in at its supposed best tracking force of 2.2 grams so I'm confident of that setting, but I imagine that's assuming a lot.

I'll try easing up on bias and see what kind of difference that makes.
I'm using zero antiskate on my RP6 after adjusting it on the fly. That eliminated all inner groove distortion I was getting on some records.
You can adjust antiskate on the fly with no problem (unless you #$%# it up, LOL!)

Many Rega owners bypass the spring-loaded VTF mechanism on their tonearms by setting the tracking force dial to minimum and then using the counterweight's position to set VTF. No matter what, I would use a good scale rather than rely on the arm's VTF numbers.
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