Remember the year and first vynil you ever bought?

Mine was Queen (The Game), purchased in 1980 at age 7. Thinking back and I'm sure my mom drove and treated on that occasion. Thanks mom.
Embarrassingly it was in 1973 and was Carl Douglas - Kung Fu Fighting. The single was the only good songon the whole LP!

Soon thereafter, was Elton John - Captain Fantastic. That was the first album I played over and over and over. It was 1975 I think.
1962 and I was 6 years old. DeeDee Sharp, "The Mashed Potato". Cost $0.98, $1.01 after sales tax. Emptied my piggy bank. Man, sometimes I remember some dumbshit stuff.
"Are you Experienced" 1967 when I was 11 years old with my own money.
(My first 45 was "big girls don't cry" in 1962 with some help from my folks)