
I know this subject has been visited and revisited. I'd like to approach it from a slightly different perspective. This is regarding the infamous Telarc 1812 overture with the digital cannons. In 1979, I purchased the recording and played it entirely satisfactorily with my Technics SLD2 or Sony PSX7 and Shure cartridges: M95e, V15III, etc. My AudioTechnica 12XE and 12 SA played it as well ,also MicroAcoustics, Acutex, and ADC cartridges without problems. Skip to 1984 or so; with the CD age, you could buy at thrift shops many by then older turntables: Onkyo, Pioneer, Sansui, Kenwood, Technics, Yamaha, etc. Well, those sometimes $10 or less turntables could also play the cannons without problems with the aforemention cart's without bouncing out of the groove. Ortofons or Stantons, even the 681EEE, could not do so unless you brought in a turntable with a servotracer arm [JVC, Denon, Sony, etc.] Keep in mind the total cost at thrift stores would be less than $50, whereas brand new equipment might have run as much as $200. OK; Look at today; I have had turntables from VPI, Project, Music Hall, Rega (3) priced from $1000 to $3000 which look silly when trying to play the 1812 Telarc cannons! This is progress?, I would like some input, and I'm fully aware of phono cartrige compliance assues,and tonearm weight, ec..
Interesting question. I too often wonder if we have not gone backwards in some ways compared to the well respected gear of yesteryear. However, IMO, basing audio performance on the ability to produce canon shots in a living room is similar to judging truck performance on how fast it can get around a race track. Both are interesting diversions but how relevant is either to their intended use's.

It may be possible that the TT/tone arm/cartridge's that you state can not handle the Telarc canon shots may actually sound better with music because the designs are optimized for music not for there ability to track the (sonic boom) canon shots.
"I have had turntables from VPI, Project, Music Hall, Rega (3) priced from $1000 to $3000 which look silly when trying to play the 1812 Telarc cannons! This is progress?"

When you say look silly can you be more specific? Is this a sound quality issue?
Sorry, Zd542; I was not chiefly talking about sound here---just the ability to track the Telarc cannons and the fact that much cheaper older units I mentioned could do so and the more modern, more expensive, and much more esoteric ones I described cannot. The older combo's just sail thru the recording effortlessly whereas the newer ones look silly, ie. jump out of the groove, distorting while doing so.. Except for the cannons, all mentioned TT's sound just fine, and if sound is what it's all about, well and good; but I think trackability should also be a concern, especially if today'sprices are considered.
Since the turntable is not directly responsible for tracking, it would be helpful to know what tonearm(s) and cartridge(s) you are talking about. For one thing, typical modern MC cartridges often do not track as well as the old war-horse MM cartridges you mention. So just on that basis, your experience is not surprising. (Further, while VPI makes all sorts of turntables with tonearms, at all price and quality levels, Rega and Music Hall do concentrate at the low end of the spectrum. The vintage tables you mention are very good ones.)
I think I see what you are saying. It is a very interesting problem. I don't know that the answer is, but I'll make a couple guesses.

My first guess is that the older TT's may have been designed for DJ's or other commercial (non home) uses. For example, a TT in a night club needs to operate in an environment where there is a lot of vibrations.

Another factor may be room placement. The TT may be in a location where low frequencies interfere with it.

The rack, or whatever you have the TT sitting on may not be good enough to isolate the it properly. If that's the case, it would be easy why the problem will occur. Newer analog gear is much more sensitive. A good example is VPI. The slightest touch and those tonearms shake like a 90 year old alcoholic. The upside is the potential for better SQ.

Anyway, thats all I can think of.