Check out the Gain Calculator at the KAB website
I have two Grado Wood body cartridges, The high output Reference Sonata1 (5mv) and the low output Statement Sonata1 (0.5mv). The lower output cartridge is in my opinion light years superior to the high output version. If you can provide the gain, it's a great cartridge. The only problem I ran into with the low output Sonata1 was from my old phono stage (Grado PH1) which had too much hiss on the high gain setting while using any low output cartridge. I upgraded my phono stage to a Jolida JD9, which has much more gain, and is quieter too.
So if your Heron can provide sufficient, quiet gain, I think the low output version that VPI offers may really surprise you. I have no desire to listen to my high output Sonata1, it just sits there collecting dust.
I think Grado makes a version just for VPI that has more output than my Statement. It may also be shielded to prevent the hum most "non VPI" Grado's suffer when used with VPI turntables (the motors are apparently not shielded).
I wouldn't go with a high gain cartridge again, and the Grado version should work fine with most preamps. Just check out the calculator on the KAB website
I have two Grado Wood body cartridges, The high output Reference Sonata1 (5mv) and the low output Statement Sonata1 (0.5mv). The lower output cartridge is in my opinion light years superior to the high output version. If you can provide the gain, it's a great cartridge. The only problem I ran into with the low output Sonata1 was from my old phono stage (Grado PH1) which had too much hiss on the high gain setting while using any low output cartridge. I upgraded my phono stage to a Jolida JD9, which has much more gain, and is quieter too.
So if your Heron can provide sufficient, quiet gain, I think the low output version that VPI offers may really surprise you. I have no desire to listen to my high output Sonata1, it just sits there collecting dust.
I think Grado makes a version just for VPI that has more output than my Statement. It may also be shielded to prevent the hum most "non VPI" Grado's suffer when used with VPI turntables (the motors are apparently not shielded).
I wouldn't go with a high gain cartridge again, and the Grado version should work fine with most preamps. Just check out the calculator on the KAB website