My MC cartridge picks up a radio station. resistant to all fixes tried. Thinking of trying MM or MI cartridge but scared will run into same problem. Has anyone had this problem with an MM or MI cartridge?
Kbo, even if you have the double shielded version, I don't consider that enough shielding for a phono signal. It's just 2 wires coiled around the + conductor rather than 1. You really need 100% shielding here.
I too have had (in the past) radio playing through my LP turntable system. (At the cartridge clips, the wires coming out of the tone arm to the cartridge approx. 1" ), I twisted the right +&- together and Left +&- together only 3 turns(NOT twisting the left and right channels together) The FM signal stopped at once. And I have never had that problem since. I hope this works for you, Jim C.
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