Waaaah. Snapped off my cantilever.

Today I bumped the needle of my Dynavector XX-2 MkII, it's a big bucks cartridge for me, I've only had it about six months, and 2 of those months I couldn't use it because my pre-amp was in for re-tubing.

Makes me understand why some stick with CD's/Downloads and solid state equipment.

Looks like Soundsmith is the way to go to repair it, but please do chime in if you have any other recommendations. Thanks.
Mr P- One sonic benefit of a(top shelf) repair through Soundsmith involves a much upgraded cantilever(ruby), if available for your cartridge. Their Nude Contact Line sylus profile also is an upgrade over many that OEM manufacturers provide.(http://www.sound-smith.com/retip/)
So, are you writing that the OP's Dynavector will sound better, cost less and be repaired quicker if he sends it to Soundsmith rather then sending it to Dynavector? If so, that would certainly be worth considering. What are the comparable costs and time estimates? I imagine the resulting sonic differences would be subjective.
Well if it makes you feel better, I've snapped the cantilever off a cartridge that was much more expensive AND much newer than yours. ;)

It happened about 8 years ago, but I can still feel that sickness in the pit of my stomach when I think about it. It will haunt me forever....
Jmcgrogan +1, I actually watched myself bump it as it damaged so effortlessly. The funny thing is I can't seem to get back on the horse and have become overly nervous when handling the tonearm.

I got right back on the horse Vicdamone. It was a lesson I will never forget though. I was in the set up process, and looking back I realize that I was rushing it a little bit. I couldn't wait to listen to this big, expensive cartridge. LOL!!
As I was checking the VTF on the digital scale for about the 5th time, the tonearm slipped and the cantilever snapped. Lesson learned, NEVER rush setting up a cartridge, or changing LP's, take your time.

I'm not nervous anymore, but I take my time and move very deliberately these days. :)