phono cable for VPI SSm

Hi all

looking for your recs and experience of a RCA IC for a VPI super scoutmaster table (to my BMC MCCI phonostage).
Is it just my feeling or most fellows with such table use silver based ICs ?
thanks in advance to all repliers.
No I haven't. I bought my Table from Elusive Disc and it is what Bob Bantz recommended. He said I could sell you a more expensive cable but there is really no reason to spend more money as the VPI does a great job.
I'm using Anti-Cable silver balanced with my Superscout into Ayre....with a smile.
Clear day Audio makes unbelievable silver interconnects as well as speaker cables. You can find him on Audiogon. The cables are a steal and Paul is a great guy. He even lends them out without even a deposit. You don't want it, just send it back. No money has been spent, only the cost for priority mail.