Replacing Virtual Dynamic speaker cables

I have been using the Revelation speaker cables for a few years and I do like them. They were very expensive new, but good value second hand. I found them to have nice detail, a little tipped up in the base, but very clean and well, dynamic.

So why do I want to change them? Well, they are so heavy and stiff, I find them a nightmare to connect and dress. There is'nt much room behind my system. Very good for beating a burglar, mind you, not so good for day to day use.

I have no prejudices, any suggestions for a comparable quality cable, up to 2000 dollars used for 6 to 8ft, single wired, good detail, dynamic, but not edgy. Thanks
Are there employment opportunities with the grammar police? I could use some extra income to spend on audio.
Quite right about the "bass", the penalty of not checking properly before posting.

"Not so good for daily use", is what we call a figure of speech.

Back to the thread, thanks for the suggestion of High Fidelity Cables, Calloway.
..Schipo...'and the word is Bass not Base'......hey Schipo...'and the word is' they're ...not 'there', as in, they're connected.... will love the new HF cables..give Rick an email.
I just sold a pair of Analysis Plus Crystal Oval 8 speaker cables that reminded me of the Virtual Dynamics Revelations cables I used years ago. Both have very good tonality, bass and presented a soundstage that was too forward for my tastes.

I know many enjoy that clear, 'front row' perspective, but I prefer a more laid-back, relaxed presentation, hence the sale. If you liked Virtual Dynamics, I bet you would enjoy Analysis Plus cables.

I remember well how stiff those VD cables were......they snapped the Cardas binding post right off one of my Jeff Rowland Model 6 monoblocks!!!
Why not try anti cable by Paul speltz?...might save you quite a bit of money...:)