Alternatives for Transparent Reference MM2

I am currently using a transparent reference MM2 interconnect (MSB dac to Class A poweramp) and speaker cable.

However, I will be inserting a preamp (ARC Ref5SE) into my system and will need an extra pair of interconnects. As a matter of principle, I only buy cables used since I refuse to take a 50% depreciation hit on an item with 90% margin. First, MM2 (I need 1.5m XLR) rarely show up used, and besides I have to get them matched to my gear, which will set me back another $1K. So I am considering selling my Transparent interconnects and get two pairs of a different brand. I am looking for a mainstream highly respected brand, with a good used market. Target price range is $2000 used per pair. Some alternatives are:

Wireworld Platinum Eclipse
Kimber KS 1136
Tara labs

Has anyone compared these cables with the Transparent MM2? Any other contenders I should be considering?
+1 on samhar's recommendation. I have Transparent Ref MM2 in my system. It's a wonderful cable. (if you buy new you don't have to pay the price to retune it...but I guess you pay one way or the other huh...)

You have one of the best cables be careful you don't step down to much here. A you have Tran Ref MM MM2 version or Trans Ref MM2...their names are a bit confusing...The Ref MM MM2 is more expensive and better...

The Proteus Provecus Praesto will give you about 90% of what any cable at any price offers. I've owned that before and still have some in my system.

Congrats on the preamp! Please post your thoughts on adding it...
Thanks guys. I decided to give the Shunyata Anaconda Zitrons a try. I can get them new at a good price, so my exposure to depreciation is limited to zero in case I prefer to stick with Transparent or go some other direction.