Nordost Blue Heaven speaker cable..what a delusion

Hi folks
I recently bought a pair of Nordost BH speaker cables, after many hours of burn in (they were used, however) the sound still being lean, harsh in the upper frequencies and after all they lack some weight.
I'm now looking for a fair neutral, big soundstage, and with a lot of punch and kick in the bass region pair of speaker cables.

Right now I'm using Nac A5 with better results.

Bouget 500 bucks more of less.

lenght required 4mt - about 13ft

the rig is the follow:

ampli: hegel h100
speakers: Ruark Talisman II
cdp: Naim cd5i
analog source: Rega P5
Ics: virtual dinamics

ps. where I live now I'm not able to audion any cable, so any advice is very welcome.
thank you for your feedback Isanchez; very interesting, especially the DIY part. Keep us update
I'm right now listening to the "Transparent Music Wave Super" sc. They are good, but not at level of the Audience. I have to say that if I haven't heard the Audience, I would probably stick with the Trasparent. Don't get me wrong, they are good, very good: smooth, open, but a bit artificial (probably due to the "network box"), equalized. Maybe more detailed in the upper frequencies but a bit leaner in the bass than Audience. The fact is that the Audience cables are really superior, in my opinion, due to the tonal balance and neutrality, they let the music speak.
Interesting comparison Rock.

Individually, I have heard the Audience and Transparent cables/cords. I was not able to compare both lines at 1 retailer/dealer though. Keep us posted...
Rockness87 just like you I had the audience conductors in my system and it bettered everthing else I tried including AZ satori then I used the JPS labs sc fx and it is very much like the audience cables with better base and less expensive. Might be worthwhile. Best
I loved the Flatline II with some (very bright leaning) B&Ws...better in my application that Kimber. The Flatline sounded live and rich; however I've had the Heimdall (first edition) and found that they were VERY amp dependent. This was kinda odd...too lean and didn't really dig 'em.