Nordost Blue Heaven speaker cable..what a delusion

Hi folks
I recently bought a pair of Nordost BH speaker cables, after many hours of burn in (they were used, however) the sound still being lean, harsh in the upper frequencies and after all they lack some weight.
I'm now looking for a fair neutral, big soundstage, and with a lot of punch and kick in the bass region pair of speaker cables.

Right now I'm using Nac A5 with better results.

Bouget 500 bucks more of less.

lenght required 4mt - about 13ft

the rig is the follow:

ampli: hegel h100
speakers: Ruark Talisman II
cdp: Naim cd5i
analog source: Rega P5
Ics: virtual dinamics

ps. where I live now I'm not able to audion any cable, so any advice is very welcome.
I loved the Flatline II with some (very bright leaning) B&Ws...better in my application that Kimber. The Flatline sounded live and rich; however I've had the Heimdall (first edition) and found that they were VERY amp dependent. This was kinda odd...too lean and didn't really dig 'em.
Tara Labs RSC Prime 800. You will not be disappointed. Solid low end punch, present and accurate mids, detailed highs without ANY harshness.

I got mine about 2 weeks ago and they are not going anywhere. Aside from my speakers, they may be the best value in my system.
I had a pair of Zen Satoris and they have excellent bass and mid range performance. The Tara Labs take it one more notch up and provide better high end my ears at least. Both are great cables.

I almost went back to the Zen had it not been for recalling an older pair of Space and Time cables I bought second hand and used briefly.

I took a chance on the RSC Prime 800 and have not been sorry for an instant.
I've been in that shop lots of times but the first time I remember so clearly with one of their Naim rigs....yes they specialize in amazing...really in the room with the  have been chasing that experience ever since
Sorry thought my previous post would appear as a reply to Jafant's  Audio Concepts Dallas TX instead of so far down the list.  Yes! Naim  Audio Concepts Amazing