Why are we going 300 or more directions?

Funny, if you design a hi-speed coaxial cable, the fundamental design is the same. I do mean the same. Physics have honed the basic construct to the same physical design no matter who makes it.

Yes, conductor and shield materials will change some based on the frequency range, but not the design. If you change the basic design, you get worse performance, and not just differentiation (unless worse is your differentiation).

Then we have audio cables. True, audio exist in a frequency range where stuff does change with respect to frequency (impedance drops markedly as frequency is swept from 20 to 20 kHz) but this still doesn't allow willy-nilly designs from A to Z to hold the best electrical ideal.

If there are X number of speaker cable makers, only a small few can be the most ideally right according to physics for audio transmission. What we have is so much differentiation that it is almost humorous.

If "we", as in speaker cable designers, all got in a big room with the door locked and could not be let out till we balanced the design to best effect...what would that cable look like? Why?

Go to any web site and you can't get one-third of the way through before vendors allow misconception to be believed (references to velocity of propagation for instance) that are meaningless in their feint of hand or simply unprovable as to their effect...simply fear you don't have it. For instance, high velocity of propagation allows you to simply lower capacitance, the speed is there, but irrelevant at audio and cable lengths that you use. The signal travels too fast to matter. Signal delay is in the 16ns range in ten feet. Yes, that's 16 trillionths of a second. It's the capacitance folks, not the velocity that you engineer to. But velocity "sounds" exciting.

Audio cable over the years should be under CONSOLIDATION of principals and getting MORE like one another, not less so. I don't see a glimmer of this at all.

The laws of physics say there is a most correct way to move a electrical signal, like it or not. Electrical and magnetic fields have no marketing departments, they just want to move from A to B with as little energy lost as possible. You have to reach a best balance of variables. Yes, audio is a balance as it is in an electromagnetic transition region I mentioned earlier, but it STILL adheres to fundamental principals that can be weighed in importance and designed around.

A good cable does not need "trust me" engineering. An no, the same R, L and C in two cables don't make them the same. We all know it isn't that simple. BUT, the attributes (skin effect and phase responses) that DO make those same R, L and C cables different aren't magic, either.

I've listened to MANY cables this past six months, and it no longer amazes me which ones sound the best. I look at the several tenets that shape the sound and the designs that do this the most faithfully always come out on top.

DESIGN is first. Management of R, L, C, Skin effect and phase. Anyone cam stuff expensive material in a cable, few can DESIGN the right electrical relationships inside the cable. Why be stuck with excessive capacitance (over 50 pF/foot) to get low inductance (less than 0.100 uH/foot) when it's NOT required, for instance. A good design can give you BOTH!

MATERIALS are a distant second to sound quality. They contribute maybe 2 tenths of the total sonic equation in a quality design and ZERO in a bad design. A good design with standard tough pitch copper will exceed a bad design with single crystal cryogenic OFC silver-plated copper. You can't fake good cable design and the physics say so. Anyone can buy materials, so few can do design.

Being different to be different isn't a positive attribute in audio cables. Except for all but ONE ideal design it’s just a mistake.

I've listened to the same cables with dynamic speakers and electrostatic speakers, and the SAME cables always come through with the same characteristics. Good stays good. True, the magnitude of character is different, but the order hasn't moved.

I'm not real proud of the cable industry in general. True transmission accomplishments should reach common ground on explainable principals and that SHOULD drive DESIGN to a better ideal. But, we people do have emotions and marketing.

What do I look for in a speaker cable?

1.0 Low capacitance. Less than 50 Pf / foot to avoid amplifier issues and phase response from first order filter effects where the phase is changing well before the high-end is attenuated. The voltage rise time issue isn't the main reason low capacitance is nice, it's that low capacitance removes the phase shift to inaudible frequencies and doesn't kill amplifiers.

2.0 Low inductance as we are moving lots of CURRENT to speakers. Less than 0.1UH /foot is what you want to see. Good designs can do low cap and low inductance, both.

3.0 Low resistance to avoid the speaker cables influencing the speakers response. The cable becomes part of the crossover network if the resistance is too high. For ten-foot runs, look for 14 AWG to maybe 10 AWG. Bigger isn't better as it makes skin depth management issue too hard to well, manage.

4.0 Audio has a skin depth of 18-mils. This is where the current in the wire center is 37% of that on the surface. The current gradients can be vastly improved with smaller wire (current closer to the same everywhere). How small? My general rule is about a 24 AWG wire as this drop the current gradient differential across the audio spectrum to a value much less than 37%. Yes, that's several wires. Don't go overboard, though. Too much wire is a capacitance nightmare. Get the resistance job done then STOP at that wire count.

5.0 Conductor management. Yes, point four above says more than one wire, many more! And, if you use 24 AWG wire for skin depth management, it can be SOLID to avoid long term oxidation issues. I've taken apart some old wires and it can look pretty bad inside! Each wire needs it's own insulation.

6.0 Symmetrical design. Both legs are identical in physical designs allows much easier management of electricals.

7.0 Proper B and E field management is indirectly taken care of by inductance and capacitance values. The physics say you did it, or you didn't. BUT, you can design in passive RF cancellation if you use a good design, too. Low inductance says that emissions will be low, however, as less of the energy is generating an electric and magnetic field around the wire, thus limiting EMI / RFI emissions.

8.0 Copper quality is finally on the list. It doesn't matter without one to seven! The smaller the wires (infinitely small), the LESS the silver plate will warp the sonics. If the current density is the SAME at all frequencies, then all frequencies see the same benefit. If a wire is infinitely big than the high frequencies will see the majority of the benefit. 20 Hz and 20kHz are at the same current density on the wire surface. But, the gradient difference is too small to matter with 24 AWG wires. If you want silver, let the silver benefit everywhere!

9.0 Dielectrics. Dead last. Why? Because capacitance is driven by your dielectric. If you have the low cap, you have the right dielectric for the design. You HEAR the capacitance and NOT the dielectric per say. True, Teflon allows a lower capacitance for the same distance between wires, thus making lower capacitance. But, if you FOAM HDPE from 2.25 down to 2.1 dielectric constant, it can meet the same cap at the same wall and sound just as good. Careful though, it is now more fragile! It's a trade-off in durability, not sound quality. Teflon isn’t magic. It is expensive.

10.0 This is not last per say as it is CHOICE in design. I do not like fragile cables laying on the floor to be stepped on. Some do. A good cable design should be durable enough to take that late night trip to the TV set with the light low, and then step on your cable by accident. The cable should be user friendly.

Everything above can be calculated by known physics equations with the exception of copper quality on sound. I'll have to hear this on two IDENTICAL cables except wire quality. But, why would a vendor allow you to do that when they can scare you into a more expensive copper? I'll be glad to pony-up if I'm allowed to make the judgement for myself. Or, let be buy it at a reasonable price!
Go here;
In reality cables DO NOT resonate at all! The model represented here is single RLC lumped circuit for simplicity and is only accurate at audio frequencies for circuit analysis. A speaker cable is actually a distributed element and should be represented as infinite number of lumped RLC models. As an infinite number of lumped RLC circuits are modeled becoming its true distributed form factor, we see the resonance frequency go to infinity.
In addition, once we approach much higher frequencies such as in the RF region we must re-evaluate the cable as a transmission line. In that respect the characteristic impedance becomes the SQRT (L/C) =SQRT(8.8*10^-6/700*10^-12) = 112 ohms. So if our source and load terminations at transmission line frequencies (1/6th the wavelength) do not match, we see reflections in the line, which can appear like a resonance behavior, but in reality are simply reflections or power loss down the line.

Also note that when an exotic cable vendor claims Inductance, Capacitance and Resistance dramatically varies within the audio band, that this is more total and utter nonsense as can be seen in the following real world measurements...

As always, we welcome any cable vendor to furnish us proof of their claims, and cable samples for us to conduct our own testing for verification purposes. I agree, the FTC should be involved in this business, as it is a consumer product based on engineering truths that must not be ignored. - edited to remove vendors.


I don't know you everyone.
We look at 20KHz signal (lower than this is even more far fetched) that are far, far too long to properly conduct as a transmission line, add-in the fact that the load is not matched to the cable, and varies with frequency as does the cable too and you have a line model that is closer to your 110-volt wall outlet than your CATV outlet.


In order to obtain a low characteristic impedance, it is necessary to have very low inductance and relatively high capacitance, and the high capacitance may impose serious constraints on the amplifier. Indeed, many amplifiers will become unstable if there is sufficient capacitance connected directly to the output, causing oscillation which may damage the amplifier. As described above, regardless of anything else, the cable does not act as a true transmission line at audio frequencies, and claims to the contrary are fallacious.

Matched impedances ensure maximum power transfer from source to load, and this is obviously very important for RF transmitters and telephony applications. It is completely irrelevant for a solid state audio power amplifier however, since the drive principle (known as voltage drive, or constant voltage) does not rely on maximum power transfer, but relies instead on the amplifier maintaining a low output impedance with respect to the load.

Even though most power amplifiers are limited to at most a few hundred kHz or so, there can still be some energy at higher frequencies - typically noise. What often happens is that an amp can be quite stable with a capacitive load and no signal, but as soon as it is driven it "excites" the whole system, and it then bursts into sustained oscillation.

At audio frequencies, speaker cables are not transmission lines. They are merely cables, with inductance, capacitance and resistance. Despite popular belief, they are bereft of any magical properties, only physics.

It is worth noting that a cable will never act as a true transmission line with a defined (and maintained) Zo unless its source and load impedances are equal to the line impedance. This means that no audio cable will ever be a transmission line, (almost) regardless of length, unless the amplifier output impedance, cable impedance and load impedance are all equal at all frequencies within the desired range. No known amplifier or loudspeaker system can meet these criteria. Alternatively, the cable may be infinitely long, however this is usually impractical in a domestic environment.


The above is pretty much what I've said all along. And will continue to say. Keep capacitance lower is better, and the cable is NOT a transmission line.

I do not agree that wire is wire to the extent that audioholics goes to. Make a cable with two large stranded conductors and one with multiple solid AWG strands of the same AWG (or just a different design) and the differences are definitely there.

I'd would indeed like to visit audioholics with the two types of cable and set-down and measure the cables and have them formulate the impact of the design on the sound through measurements. I haven't seen this done, so you can't deny that it could not be done. This would be tremendously informative.

I'm not going to hide behind "my" hearing and say XYZ exists (transmission-line effects) or any other "invisible" attribute. This is to properly define a good audio cable with realistic attributes everyone can enjoy.

The wealth of evidence is not in the favor of audio as a transmission line.
Some have asked about ZOBEL networks as we've moved along. Here is a good analysis of what they can do for you;

Granted, we don't have a true transmission line with a speaker cable since output, cable and load impedances aren't ever matched and the line is too short, but as Jneutron pointed out, there are termination reflections based on cable length. A Zobel network can remove them WHEN you know the "impedance" of your speaker cable. The article doesn't state the frequency of the cable impedance calculation, which is varying with frequency pretty badly. The objective is more for amplifier stability than cable "sound" per say. Still, some amps may benefit from Zobel networks. Those that want to try one, here is a good place to start.

You need to use the right quality / type parts, and depending on your amplifier, you could get tertiary benefits. Long cable low cap or short higher cap cables are more likely to see enhanced your amplifiers performance with a speaker end Zobel network.

Jneutron, where should user's of Zobel networks calculate the impedance? What do you use when you suggest cable "impedance"?
Rower30 wrote,

"This group should use each member’s input to help move the topics forward, not throw arrows or use indefensible arguments that can’t be analyzed when this thread is about just that. Believing is fine, but this is for the other half."

Ok, fair enough, but I'm getting a bad feeling this discussion is being limited to those who have trouble trusting their ears and rely on textbooks and Über Measurement Specialists to tell them what they should listen to. I was under the distinct impression advanced audiophiles had jettisoned such old fashioned notions back in the '80s. "Believing is fine." Yeah, right, as if audiophiles are religious heretics. As they say on The Shark Tank, I'm out.

"It's what I choose to believe." Dr. Elizabeth Shaw in the movie, Prometheus
You cite audioholics as a source???

That explains a lot.

Gene D's a nice guy. Some of the articles are pretty straitforward, even though I don't care for the style. I didn't even mind that he quotes some of my technical explanations in some of his articles. On occasion he'll ask me to write a technical article or two for him, but we've not gotten together on that. What I prefer to write is a tad over his target audience with respect to E/M theory, and he would rather have the debunking style.

But to use his site to debunk of what I'm discussing is funny. The last person to do that was trying to teach me skin effect from AH, and he was quoting me in an attempt to teach me my quotes....incorrectly btw. Hmm, you appear to be the second one..

You never answered my question. Are you an engineer, or did you learn skin effect on the web? I asked that seriously, because you had no clue as to what I was speaking of with respect to skin effect and Bessels. You still do not know that the exponential equation is based on normal e/m waves at a conductive boundary, and it is inadequate for audio frequencies and audio size wires.

Rod Elliot's also a nice guy. But he's still not an E/M guru, nor does he have a good handle on EMC theory.

As I said, you need better resources. I mentioned a few, but you could just ask. Do you really believe that websites like that are sources for E/M theory??

As to your belief that cables cannot be transmission lines. Silly and inaccurate. Get a reflection bridge and see for yourself. Cyril Bateman did..

You have a lot to learn.



You seem to be a little too easy to get upset about some things so it's going to be hard to please you. I'll do my best.

Zero capacitance? Sure, my perfect conductor example was just that. You can't do anything in that cables example let alone the capacitance. Not sure why you got so excited about it. Yes, a dielectric constant of 1.0 is a give away to the fact that capacitance can't be zero in THIS world, but I wasn't limiting the perfection to the real world but the "perfect" world where things do go infinitely fast, have no resistance, ETC. I see no sense in making a "perfect" wire half-in one world and then the other. So, I put it all in ONE world.

And yes, you're right, I do not have a source for very low frequency skin effect. Nor does it seem anyone else! As long as the numbers are "close" and you use a wire size that is smaller than the calculation, and use the number of wire to meet DCR things should get into the reasonable range.

As far as transmission line effects well, the source impedance sure is small at less than 0.05-ohms on average of an amplifier's output stage. The cable impedance is small (looking at the real component of the cable) compared to the speaker's varying input impedance so it is hard to imagine the speaker cable as a classic transmission line (matched source, line and load impedance’s). Not to mention the wavelength are WAY long to even begin to couple between the source and the load. A reflection bridge certainly can show reflections but to say this is a transmission line?

If I shove my amplifier up to the speaker terminals where is all the power dissipation going? the speaker. If I stick a cable in there, the power is still going almost all into the speaker and not the cable. The L and C energy eventually goes into the load but is lagging one way or the other. Probably not a good thing.

True, the "impedance" of the cable can be complex in nature and a higher vector magnitude per low frequency equations (mostly capacitive, as the resistive load value is so small in the cable). But at such a low frequency it's really hard to see this as a transmission line, or impedance values near the speakers input impedance.

How do we negate the effects of the LONG wavelengths relative to the line length at audio? Even worse, go lower than 20KHz.

I'm all ears on your low frequency transmission line model (pun intended)and impedance matching. The Z=SQRT(L/C) is only good above 1 MHz.

The ability to design to metrics that are repeatable would be a great benefit to designers who want to use the best of what's really capable in design without "faith" based engineering. But, I'd rather try to do the right thing with a few bumps in the road than do the wrong thing perfectly. Too little risk can limit the outcome as bad as anything else. Yes, we lose a few that insist on only what they perceive and hear. That's fine, but for right now I want to concentrate on the "knowns" (yes, even the one's I don't know!) to look for in a nice, and reasonable, cable. Design elements that are always beneficial to sound.

Bridges go up and fall down, space shuttles go up and explode... all these things have "experts" at the wheel and still failed. People may be experts, but the ones that do their jobs can overreach even their understanding(s).

So, as far as being the second one, I sure didn't know I was competing with the first. Sorry about that. If I only stick with what I know today, what benefits do I achieve tomorrow?

Looking at cable, you can't see a common design thread across the lot of them that indicates forward thinking to a known set of conditions. I can even see a few, not hundreds, of designs for a specific set of amp (SS or VALVE)/speaker (dynamic or electrostatic) combinations.

I listen to cable with the same R, L and C and am amazed at how different they sound. I am not even close to shutting down my ears. That’s what got me in this mess! How do you recognize correctly made audio speaker cables.

I did look back at some of your post so as NOT to pester you, and yes, the main things my ears hear is much improved openness, imaging stability, precise location of the image and debth in good speaker cords.

I can't say I grasp speaker cable impedance at such low frequencies as they "rise" as the frequency drops, making consistent low impedances at audio seem implausible, at least to my way of thinking about the measurements. My guess is if you look at the cable like a T-line, the impedance is the same at any cable length. Of course, the low pass nature of the cable changes too.

With your respone Jneutron, I close comments in this post. I've bugged you all enough.