Bi-wiring with different cables for HF and LF?

Any thoughts on bi-wiring with different cables? I currently use Morrow SP-2 for the high frequency terminations on amp and speakers, and a really old set of thick stranded Esoteric cable for the low frequency. Speakers are Legacy Audio Signature II, and my thought was that the heavy gauge Esoteric would be good for carrying current for the bass. But since plain stranded cable has somewhat fallen out of favor, I wondered if I might be able to improve the definition and articulation of my bass with a different cable for the LF run. Thanks!
Mtrot, your original post said you wanted to improve bass definition. Here is an article from Audioquest on Bi-wiring that talks about bass definition. The first page and a half is definitely worth reading.

I don't have time to read all the posts here, but I'll relay my experience.
I am bi-wiring (bi-amping actually) my speakers with Morrow SP-2's on the high end and Mapleshade Golden Helix on the low end. The results are terrific! The SP-2's have good sparkle, but are a bit laid back. The Mapleshades have terrific power, punch, and definition and loose nothing in the bass to the many other speaker cables I've tried.
My experience (with silver coated cables at least) indicates you DO NOT need heavy gauge to get rippling bass.
Isochronism, I contacted Joe, and it looks like it will be ~$900 for a single run set of his silver cables. Will have to think on that.
Mtrot, My speaker cables are un-terminated at both ends... so I saved a few bucks, there.
Good luck with what you end up with.