Need a very neutral interconnect-

Need the most neutral cable I can get since I can change sonic sig through tube rolling- I was thinking of either the Kubala emotions or Purist 20th Anniv?? are either of these Neutral sounding- Or what else can you guys rec.- thanks so much
Van den Hul cables are well balanced and usually work well in various systems.
Although they aren't that easy to find used, the XLO Signature series (either series 1 or 3 not the series 2 which were warm sounding) have been the most neutral I've ever had in my system. The series 3 are the current model and are available new. While not cheap, their price isn't crazy money either.
I found the most neutral for my kit was from Wywires. These beat out Kimber, Cardas, Morrow, Harmonic Tech, and a few more makers whose cables were less than $1,000/meter. Most clear, neutral, and true.
If by neutral you mean something that leaves the smallest footprint on the signal and simply passes it through, I'd check out the Darwin Silver ICs. For what I can tell in my system, it removed a kind of haze that I didn't know I had and everything became more coherent. I couldn't detect any coloration, fattening or leaning out of the sound, no editorializing either.

The Darwins have allowed me to use them as a bar of sorts to help me evaluate the efficacy of some older speaker cables I had laying around (which I have now gone back to) and a Blue Circle PLC. Trying older ICs didn't end up with the same degree of improvement so I truly feel the Darwin ICs are that good (neutral).

Good luck in your quest and all the best,