Need a very neutral interconnect-

Need the most neutral cable I can get since I can change sonic sig through tube rolling- I was thinking of either the Kubala emotions or Purist 20th Anniv?? are either of these Neutral sounding- Or what else can you guys rec.- thanks so much
Many highend systems at shows can give a deep and wide stage, but the individual focus of instruments and voices is not really palpable. But when you use all different parts very precise you even can get a combination of a deep and wide stage with a very direct and palpable image. This both is needed for the absolute sound these days. Blacks/ lower noise floor is an important part in how precise the music is presented to you. It set all the instruments and voices free in your room. It gives you a higher level in enjoying your beloved music.
Audience AU24e or AU24se fit the bill in my experience. Fast, detailed, neutral cables that don't cost a fortune.