Interconnect Cables for Pre-and Power amp

Hi, I’m searching for a pair of interconnect cables connection my pre-amp (Ayre K-1xe) and power-amps (Pass Labs XA30.5) – both Solid State. FYI, the speakers are a pair of Harbeth C7-es3.

Preferably, I’d get the Balanced interconnect cables to get the full potentials of these amps. What would you recommend for mid-end/used cables (brands, models, etc)? What’s the typical lengths of the cables – 1.5m or 2m?

My choices of music are mostly vocals, jazz, pop songs, symphony, chamber and some blues and rock(no heavy metal or other modern music types). I look for cables that deliver extended highs, natural/full-body mid-range and dynamic bass with excellent imaging and soundstages.

Thank you for your recommendations.
Here's one worthwhile checking. IMHO, close to top tier performance at low/mid-end price. Musical yet highly neutral wire is how I'd describe them. If your equipments have it, they will simply deliver.

This should be an easy choice for you. You've done a very good job matching your components. The Pass and the Ayre both do everything well and are very neutral sounding. Because of that, nothing needs to be fixed. You don't have to spend a lot for great sounding cables, either. My first choice would be Audioquest. You should be able to get a very good deal on a pair of Jaguar or Panther. Those are the 2 former current top copper IC's from AQ. The only difference is that Panther uses Teflon and Jaguar uses PE. I find its not that big a difference. They both sound extremely good. The 2 AQ models that replaced them, Columbia and Colorado, are almost exactly the same. Just small changes were made. I own pairs of all 4 and you really have to nit pick to hear any differences. If you can get a good deal on any one of them, you can't go wrong. Also, they are fully balanced. Not all cables are. Like components, you can use xlr connectors on cables and not have them be internally balanced. AQ uses 3 separate conductors.

Another Cable that may come up is Cardas. Ayre recommends them. They're excellent, as well. I have a pair of Golden Reference. I think thats their best one. The only caution I would mention is that they are stranded. Copper tends to have a roughness or grain in the high frequencies. Only the best solid core copper cables, that I've heard, get around that. I don't know if that will be an issue for you because my speakers may be a little more revealing than the ones you have. My best guess would be that you will probably be able to hear that flaw, as well. I use Ayre myself and know first hand that its very revealing. Pass is too.

The only other thing I can tell you is that I would stay away from anything silver. I have some silver IC's and have never had them work between an amp and preamp. I have no idea why, but I know others who share my opinion on this. Save silver for your source components.
If you're indeed interested in cables, go over the Pass manuals on the cable recommendation. I guess after you read it, you won't scratch your head anymore.
Connectors on the cables are more important and use XLR. I'd stick with Mogami that provide exceptional tight connection and so with performance that don't break your bank.