Krell 700cx, and Tara cobalt A/C power cord.

I have used many times in the past after market power cords with a Krell amp and result with a sound that was worse than the stock cord from Krell!, I am getting ready to send A Krell 700cx back to Krell to be renewed for me to last!, The amp is only 8 years old!, It came hard wired with a snake of a stock power cord!, My question is will a retail $5,000.00 Taralabs cobalt A/C power cord sound awsome with this amp?, My friend Jmcgrogan2 is telling me to get Krell to put an IEC input on the amp so I can use an after market power cord, I have extensive experience with Taralabs cables and know them very well!, However,I have never used a cobalt on a Krell 700 cx!, Will this work?, who has done this?, what was the sound out come?, Thankyou!
Yes, the 30a breaker did improve the sound, and I've checked the outlet and cord plugs from time to time to make sure there is no heat build up. It wasn't a huge improvement, but was an easily heard improvement. So I think it is worthwhile. The electrical people will probably never tell anyone it would be ok for fear of some sort of liability if something did happen. And fire could be an issue, but I would think only under some kind of extreme conditions. It's just not to the lowest common denominator electrical codes.
I haven't noticed if my amp runs cooler, because I didn't know that could be a possibility, but now that I think of it, it could be a bit cooler than normal.

Hope this helps some.
Mrvordo, You talked me into to it!, I am going to run my Krell like you!, I mean, how different can our power grids be from each other?, Like I said, krell told me to do what you are doing!, A 25 to 30 amp breaker,man, If its a 5% improvement, Its worth it!, A breaker only cost $15.00 to $25.00!, This does Help!, How long have you been useing this set-up?, and you have not seen no problems?,, you are one of many people that told me that they were doing this on the audiogon, cheers.
Hi Audiolabyrinth, I've been running it this way for about 6-8 months. And I would say that it's more than a 5% improvement. I also did not get anything special in the breaker, just a regular one, and I could easily hear the difference. The amp is the only thing that I have ever had on that line, so I don't know if that makes any difference. This was before I installed the Wattgate outlet, while I was still using the Power Port too.
There is another dedicated line for my source components that has a 20a breaker on it, but I want to upgrade the Power Port outlet for that line too.
Good listening,
Hi Audiolabyrinth,
For some reason my last post hasn't shown up, so this might end up showing up twice.
I've been using the 30A breaker for 6-8 months, and have not see or felt any problems. Power Port did get mildly warm to the touch, just enough to tell it was warmer than the wall, but the Wattgate has remained cool. The Krell PC plug, but not the cable, would get warm like the Power Port, but the Transparent I'm using now is cool always. So I think the weak link was the Power Port, but it still was fine. It wasn't like it ever got hot. I would make sure you have a good quality outlet in place before installing the 30A breaker.
I plan on installing a Wattgate in the outlet for my source components too, but I doubt that I will bother putting a 30A breaker on that line.
Good listening,
Hi Mrvordo, I will take your advice on getting a good outlet first, more than 5% up-grade in sound is great news, I believe you, I did not know the result in doing this would yield such great results, You have been alot of help, thankyou, I still like to talk more with you, tell me of your system, cheers.