Reterminate Syn. Research cable, shocking find

The factory banana connectors on my Resolution Reference FX speaker cables were getting weak, near the breaking point.

I bought some nicely machined bananas from Madisound, and set about my task. When the factory connectors were removed, I was shocked to find how flimsily made the bananas were, and how poor the soldered connections were. They were barely soldered on!

I put the new connectors on, both screwing them down tight, and using a good amount of silver solder, for a very good connection.

After they were all done, and put back in the system, they sounded better, and not just a little bit, but a lot better. I've used mostly SR cables for most of my cabling needs, and always thought highly of SR products, but not so much, now.

I bought these cables new, for $1400. You would think with the markup on cables, they could use high quality connectors, and actually use a sufficient amount of solder for a quality connection. Disappointing!
Ag insider logo xs@2xislandmandan
Interesting post Islandman. Remember, the more quality that goes into a product, the less profit for a set price. SR's has never been a cable that I felt gave any value for money whatsoever. In the high end biz, that's what it's all about in most of the cable biz plans... MAX MAX profit.....
So, keeping that in mind explains a lot! IMHO.
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I read a lot of comments suggesting, as Daveyf and Elizabeth have, that the cable business has attracted some rip-off artists. I don't know if that's true or not, but I'd like to know if people think ANY of the premium cable manufacturers are not in it "solely for the money." Which are the clearly, truly legit players among the upper echelon of cable brands?