Moving up from Cardas Clear

I'm looking for opinions on where to go next from the Cardas Clear cable line. I've got a Meridian MS600/MD600 source (streaming audio), Simaudio P-8/W-8 amplification and Revel Studio 2 speakers. Cabling is all Cardas Clear, including power cords. I'm looking for something equally rich as the Cardas but with a tad more speed, dynamics and excitement.

Any suggestions?
Thanks. Signatures are pricey but not too out of whack as a step up from the Clears. Ultra Extremes are too expensive for me, though.
Camb, I've submitted a review of the Ultras (not yet approved & posted). I have to say that I wasn't prepared for the improvement the Ultras made and that was just with insterting just one pair of two meter XLRs. I sent them back in late April and I still greatly miss them. The review will go into more detail.

I like the Purist Dominus cables with Pranawire Cosmos speaker wire. I think they are a great match. It is what I use.
I have tried Cardas Clear interconnects. They do nothing wrong, have ample defined bass, and an airy top end. It was very smooth and voices were rendered beautifully. I settled for Purist Audio Corvus instead. It is a little more dynamic and threw a deep soundstage into the room. It is also a little more forward overall and a touch warmer. However, the Cardas Clear had a slightly richer sound and was overall more organic/natural. I think it rendered micro details better as well. If you can trade off a bit of richness for more energy, speed and dynamics, you can't go wrong with the Synergistic Research offerings. The Apex may be what you're looking for or the new Element series.

I was wondering if someone could provide a few sentences on the sound of the Cardas Clear Power Cord. Does it have the same sound characteristics as the interconnects? I noticed the connectors on the Clear Beyond is rhodium and hope it isn't an analytic, cold sounding cable. The interconnects I found were a little on the warm side with emphasis on the mid-range/bass and airy highs that were slightly rolled off (not sharp, but smooth and airy). Overall a rich interconnect that provided nice weight throughout all frequencies, something my Magnepan 1.7's enjoy. I really wonder if the Clear Power cord does the same? I'm also considering the PS Audio AC-12 and wondering if I should be considering any other cables. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Purist Audio makes the best powercords. I love them. In drive and in letting you hear all the layers of the lowest freq they are stunning.I never heard a powercable with this open mid freq. The 2013 LE is my favorite powercable. This year I also bought the 2013 Redwood loudspeakercable bi-wire from Audioquest. high/mid is pure silver, low is full copper. It is the best timing and speed I auditioned so far by a loudspeakercable. Even better than my old Valhalla from Nordost which I owned for 12 years. The dbs boxes also give you the best blacks I heard from a loudspeakercable. Presence is like in real.