Tara Labs The One SC and Avalon Speaker

Who have experience to use Tara Labs The One speaker cable in Avalon speaker? I’m very interest to get this cable for my Ascendant II to replace my NeoTech NES-3005 SC. My existing NES-3005 is considering an entry level SC, must have big difference with The One, but not sure how much difference because unable to compare it.
@ Mm662,, Hi, I have never owned Avalon speakers, However, I have used Taralabs The one speaker cables on the Avalon Edilon speakers extensivly!, They were a great match!, I used the speaker cables to do listening sessions on the Avalon speakers for hours a day, for about two weeks, the out come was better than the mit cables that was being used at the time that costed way more money than the Taralabs the one did!,BTW, I own the one interconnects and the speaker cables now!, Those cables are used for a second system!,, cheers!
"07-06-13: Johnsonwu
cables cost more than speakers, reality check."

I agree. When that happens, its time to buy new speakers.
Johnsonwu and ZD542. A reality check is always a good thing. An analysis of one's system to try to identify the weakest link is always a good approach. In general, I agree with what you said. IC's, power cords, and speaker cables were the last part of my system to be addressed, and in doing so, I have avoided products retailing at atmospheric prices.
If I spent the money on one of the Taras to replace what I currently have, would I be willing to take it back out of the system? I can't know the answer to that question without giving it a try. A year ago, I had a total of $700 invested in power cords. A friend lent me 4 of his VH Audio airlines for a week while he was on vacation. I knew within 5 minutes I couldn't live without these power cords. Now, I have $6200 invested in power cords and it was some of the best money I have ever spent. The money I spent on those power cords was just a bit more than I spent for my new preamp. The magnitude of improvement was on the same level for these two investments.
The next time my friend was away he lent me a Nordost baldur to compare with my Mogami IC. The Nordost was better, but not much. I am slow to dismiss the enthusiasm some have expressed recently for the Tara products, because I have not tried them. I may run the experiment some day with the Taras. That won't be today, but I'm not going to rain on someone else's parade either. My recent experience suggests keeping an open mind and running the experiment is the way to answer the question.

I think you may have taken my post the wrong way. You don't owe me, or anyone else, an explanation or justification for anything you do. Enjoying your system and the music is the only thing that matters here. I don't keep track of how much anyone spends on equipment. Its really none of my business. If you are happy with whatever you have, as a fellow audiophile I say job well done.