Speaker cable and brightness control

I'm not new to the Hi Fi world but have gradually developed a hearing issue over the last 10 years that makes me very sensitive to bright, medium to high volume sounds. I have used electrostats for the last 25+ years and it was explained in another forum how the diminishing impedance attendant with increasing frequency can accentuate the perceived "shrillness". This suggestion makes sense to me. So you have some idea of my starting point, my present system consists of the following: Shanling S100 solid state CD player, California Audio Lab tube based DAC, Rogue Audio Sphinx hybrid amp and bi-wired Martin Logan Odyssey speakers.

It was also pointed out that an amplifier with a tube based output stage could improve my situation and I believe that would probably help but, for the same reason that I'm sticking with my ML's, I really can't afford the expense.

This leads me to my question regarding speaker conductors. The varying opinions and arguments on this subject are wide and often contradictory with some saying that there is no difference between the various options, to one self proclaimed audiophile commenting that if you can't hear the difference, you should get out of the hobby. On one hand, I suspect that some differences are measurable but to say that they are so obvious that one should abandon the hobby if one is unable to tell the difference is absurd. In a previous post I pointed out that I seem to be one of those unable to detect differences after comparing a pair of borrowed $5000 cables to my own which would be considered adequate by most standards.

Disregarding these arguments, I would like to know if there are some general guidelines for objective and measurable qualities of speaker cables such as construction material, solid or wound, length, etc. that would give one a starting point in an attempt address individual listening tastes. In my case the goal would be toward reducing brilliance while maintaining detail. I suppose this would interpret to a warmer presentation which some refer to as vacuum tube sound. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I don't have a technical explanation to guide you, nor do I expect all technical specs reflect the sound of the speaker cables. I can tell,you I have been going nuts for the past year in my own personal shoot out.

I JUST sold a pair of van den Hul D-352 Hybrid cables that may be what you are looking for. Many might say silver coated or silver cables are claimed to be bright the VDH were absolutely NOT yet retained the detail of the music and had a warm, solid low end which might pair well with the Martin Logans.
I used a pair of DH Labs (on loan from The Cable Company) (no affiliation) which were silver coated and were very bright to the extent I played about two songs before disconnecting.
The VDH were a little laid back for my Spendors but still a terrific cable. I'm still using some of their ICs in my system.
Jambalaya, you only played two songs on the DH Labs before disconnecting them? Did you allow time for the cables to settle in with some playing time beforehand?
I did not give them a chance to settle in. The construction was really first rate and I had heard a lot of positives about them.

Maybe I didn't give them a fair shot but knowing my ear and tastes, I've gotten pretty good at first impressions. Another way to look at it might be that the high end was perfect but they didn't offer the bass support I was looking for.

I had some Acoustic Zen Satori for awhile and while they had the bass support, but they didn't give me the mids and high end balance that seemed pleasing.....to me.

The new Tara Labs seem to provide everything I've been looking for at a proportional price to my speakers and system.
I had DH Labs Revelation and didn't like them one bit. In my system they sounded hard, brittle, and pushed everything to the front of the soundstage. Agree about the construction. though; they had some really nice locking RCA connections.
Disclaimers: in my system, in my room, with my ears, yada
yada, all cables (power, interconnects, speaker, digital)
can change the presentation. I don't have any scientific
arguments except to share that all the following that I've
tried are NOT bright in the treble:

power: Wireworld and Neotech (both OCC copper)

interconnect: Neotech (OCC copper again), Audio Sensibility
Statement Silver (OCC silver) and Audience AU24E (more OCC

speaker: Black Cat Lectraline (solid core silver), Audience
AU24E and Acoustic Zen Satori (yet more OCC copper!)

soooo...in my general experience...OCC copper is very much
not bright!