Boss302, if you are referring to the cable connecting the output of the phono stage to a preamp, and the phono stage can be located close to the preamp, keep in mind that the sonic effects of whatever cable is chosen can be minimized by keeping it as short as possible. Which in turn would minimize the differences between different types of cables.
And I would second the comments by some of the others to the effect that cable performance is highly system dependent. And more specifically that it is dependent to a significant degree on the technical characteristics of what the cable is connecting, in ways that tend not to be predictable.
07-24-13: Onemug
The biggest surprise came when I had a vintage Marantz 18 receiver (very early ss) and needed some speaker wire to hook it up. I had an extra 8' set of silver/teflon but didn't want to use an "honest" cable on old ss. I did and the result was a sweeter sound.
Could be that the receiver was happier with whatever load capacitance that cable presented to it than with the capacitance of other cables you might have tried, rather than having anything to do with how the cable conducted the signal to the speaker. Or perhaps it had something to do with differences in RFI pickup entering the receiver's feedback loop. Just a couple of speculative guesses; there are undoubtedly other subtle effects that could have been responsible as well.
07-24-13: Boss302
Being from Wisconsin also and going through the fiasco of Braun got me thinking of helping my friend.
LOL! You have my sympathies, although we Yankee fans here in the Northeast certainly have our share of problems as well.
-- Al