Old Valhalla as Power Chord or New Frey 2 please

Dear All Passionated Persons or Colleagues,

Indeed I get a Linn System in Aktiv and I recently acquired one QB8, Red Dawn to the Wall + Several Blue Heaven and the improvements were stunning. So I wish to progress and wish to put more money (I know I am lucky nowadays but my passion is so strong).
So a basic question : Power Chord, Old Valhalla or new FREY 2 ?
Does Valhalla 2 is a small ODIN ?
All your feedbackas are welcome... Many thanks in advanced, All the best,
I used and sold Nordost my way. Because wenn you use only nordost in your system you miss essential parts which should be there. I sold it a lot with Kimber interconnects. This made the stage wider and deeper. The focus of instruments and voices more sharp. And it gave more involvement in the mid freq. What I did was always a blind audition with 100% Nordost and using other brands in combination with Nordost. I never had a client who bought 100% Nordost. I am a perfectionist and only interested in the best sound possible. Because good never will be good enough for me.