"Finally, keep in mind that an ideal component power supply design, were there such a thing, would have zero sensitivity to reasonable variations in the characteristics of the incoming AC, and would feed zero noise back into the AC line. Perhaps it is too much to expect, but it seems to me that a more expensive component design should approach that ideal more closely than a less expensive component that performs a similar function. And therefore it should be less in need, not more in need, of the benefits that an expensive cord might provide."
I know that's true from experience. A few years ago I bought a cheap Sony DVD/SACD player to try SACD. After a few days of having it in my system, I came to the conclusion that my system didn't sound right. Honestly, I didn't know what the cause of the problem was. As I was trying some different things, I unplugged the Sony and everything went back to normal. You wouldn't think that type of thing would make such a big difference.
I know that's true from experience. A few years ago I bought a cheap Sony DVD/SACD player to try SACD. After a few days of having it in my system, I came to the conclusion that my system didn't sound right. Honestly, I didn't know what the cause of the problem was. As I was trying some different things, I unplugged the Sony and everything went back to normal. You wouldn't think that type of thing would make such a big difference.