Ok, it would have been nice for you guys to know what specific gear I was talking about but there have been too many changes in the last 6 months. I first wanted an all inclusive HT/2channel set-up then split it up, got other stuff which I mentioned previously, list below of what i have at the moment.
scd2000es, Dac-AH, Van alstine fet/valve, Rotel 980bx, Infinity Kappa 400 (selling next week, side firing woofer not working for my room), H/K avr330, Pioneer 653,Infinity alpha 50 + center channel + bookshelves.
Room is 25' x 15' x 8'. Speakers along short side, 6 feet apart, 2 degree toe-in or so, couch in front of speakers 8 feet away, loveseat to the right, bare wall to the left with a rug on tweeter level, carpeted floor with no echo perceived. rear bookshelves behind couch. Bare walls behind couch also (bachelor pad, what can I say?)
As for ss amplification, I really do like this Rotel amp, great value for money, has been the permanent fixture in all this, anyone else suggest I use a tube amp to radically change sound? The tweeters are the ceramic/metal types, don't sound like all metal domes at all, seems quite refined and a relaxed presentation. The Alphas which are a step below, similar drivers not as good a cabinet but warmer and I want to keep them. Other speakers tried in the room and returned or sold prior to this: Wharfedale diamond 8.4, PSB Image 4T.
Robm321, I think sacd has a problem in the highs too, not perceived in rock or jazz though, hesitated to say it for the fear of offending the audiophile gurus:) and who knows I could have faulty hearing anyway.
I am starting to enjoy this DAC-AH but still too early to call. My RCA jacks on the preamp have always been suspect for me, unsure if the center pins were making good contact. I used split center pin locking RCAs today and there was a very very noticeable improvement after cable change over, cleaner sound with more body, still waiting for the coax also.
I really appreciate the input from each and every one of you.
scd2000es, Dac-AH, Van alstine fet/valve, Rotel 980bx, Infinity Kappa 400 (selling next week, side firing woofer not working for my room), H/K avr330, Pioneer 653,Infinity alpha 50 + center channel + bookshelves.
Room is 25' x 15' x 8'. Speakers along short side, 6 feet apart, 2 degree toe-in or so, couch in front of speakers 8 feet away, loveseat to the right, bare wall to the left with a rug on tweeter level, carpeted floor with no echo perceived. rear bookshelves behind couch. Bare walls behind couch also (bachelor pad, what can I say?)
As for ss amplification, I really do like this Rotel amp, great value for money, has been the permanent fixture in all this, anyone else suggest I use a tube amp to radically change sound? The tweeters are the ceramic/metal types, don't sound like all metal domes at all, seems quite refined and a relaxed presentation. The Alphas which are a step below, similar drivers not as good a cabinet but warmer and I want to keep them. Other speakers tried in the room and returned or sold prior to this: Wharfedale diamond 8.4, PSB Image 4T.
Robm321, I think sacd has a problem in the highs too, not perceived in rock or jazz though, hesitated to say it for the fear of offending the audiophile gurus:) and who knows I could have faulty hearing anyway.
I am starting to enjoy this DAC-AH but still too early to call. My RCA jacks on the preamp have always been suspect for me, unsure if the center pins were making good contact. I used split center pin locking RCAs today and there was a very very noticeable improvement after cable change over, cleaner sound with more body, still waiting for the coax also.
I really appreciate the input from each and every one of you.