Cream at Madison Square Garden

Did anybody happen to see this show? I see the Royal Albert Hall shows will be released on a DVD by Rhino Records.\ This is the Amazon link; a CD will also be available.

Will be interesting to see what kind of role Clapton assumes since he was, basically, a guitar player (and always has been in my book; ie, lousy song writer and mediocre vocalist). A great guitar player but a guitar player nonetheless.
Boycott Clear Channel entertainment; patronize your local venues. This is one monopoly we can boycott and still get on with our lives (unlike oil...).

I weakened and bought nice seats for Loggins and Messina; it was a disappointment although the Angry Eyes, Be Free, and Holiday Hotel were very good although nothing special. The magic was simply not there; funny how that happens after 30 years.
Your suggestion is not practical. In a way Clearchannel is the Exxon of concert venues. Cream is not playing in any local venue and I choose to see them. I was at the Garden last night for a Sumo wrestling event and saw the Cream t-shirts in the team store. Very cheaply made and I expect overpriced. They basically printed some old album covers as T-shirts in a very one wash and the shirt fades kind of fashion.
What a show!!! Tues nights performance was everything I expected and more. Clapton, Baker and Bruce are still at the top of their game. The best concert in recent memory.
>>At the top of their game<<
Clapton and Baker perhaps but Jack Bruce's voice is in the crapper. Listen to the original recordings and tell me with a straight face that Bruce's voice is as good now as then. If yes, sell your entire system, buy a BoseWaveRadio and pocket the difference. Thank you.
Did you see the show? Nothing is as it was 35 years ago. Are you? Forget original records and go see live concerts. Jack Bruce is on his 3rd liver and doing great. All the negativity aimed at the older bands on this site, ie; the Rolling Stones, Cream etc is a waste of energy. Yeah, I saw the band last night and I listened to Cream in 1968 and the band was fantastic. Everyone had a great time. Get out of the house more and turn that super expensive system your so proud of off for a night. Life goes on.