Any XTC fans?

I'm listening to XTC's "Apple Venus" right now. This is really good stuff. I believe "Skylarking" is the critic's favorite but "Oranges and Lemons" has always been mine. I've listened to "Apple Venus" five or six times in the past week and it's getting to me (in a good way). Why have I listened to it so frequently? My house is packed for an upcoming move and I only left 40 or 50 cds unpacked and this is one of them. Reducing your selection is not a bad thing as it brings you closer to some good music.
XTC are well represented on the new Nuggets boxset titled Children of Nuggets. I wore out Nuggets 1 and 2 and bought Children... the day it was released. Tons of great bands from late 70 to 90 or so. In fact XTC as The Dukes Of Stratosphere kick off the 4 disc set with Vanishing Girl. I think you guys will like this set.
You bet, Geffen was the kiss of (fidelity) death on XTC in the colonies, may they burn in hell! On the lighter side all great mentions of The Dukes Of Stratosphere's 25 O'Clock and Psonic Psunspot, English Settlement on UK/Virgin with the textured cover of course, Drums and Wires on UK/virgin, Skylarking for me is a seamless psychedelic trip. I love that quality but to name a favorite is not possible from this devotee. Cheers!
My favorite album is Mummer side two. I have the early stuff on Virgin and the later stuff on Geffen. Skylarking is just to hot in the high end but it is a great album none the less. From Oranges to Lemons on it is Cd's that sound just fine. In fact I just ordered Apple Venus on your guys recommendation and just finished listening to Nonsuch this morning. It sounded great a little regal if that's O.K. to say. Cheers!