NYC area thrift shop vinyl

I just moved to West Point, which is about 35 miles up the Hudson from NYC. Does anyone know where there's any thrift shop vinyl to be had? I've checked a few of the local Goodwills and Salvation Army stores, but none of them had anything. Certainly not like Oregon, where some thrift stores had 1000s of LPs. I've found some good used vinyl stores, but their prices are all in the $5-10 range. Nothing beats the satisfaction of discovering those mint LPs at $.99! :-)

I'm willing to drive a ways if I know I'll find something when I get there, so probably anything within a 50 mile radius of NYC is in bounds, or maybe 100 miles up the Hudson. Thanks in advance to all you east coast Audiogoners!

You should be able to find some annual library book sales (which include records and CD's) since this is often a fund-raising tradition in any community with a library in New York and nearby Connecticut.
Use Google to look for "book sale" and the national lists of the major league book sales will keep you busy when you are not rummaging through the commercial treasure troves mentioned already.
Just remember to get a record cleaning machine like the VPI 16.5 to use with cleaning fluids such as Paul Frumkin's Audio Intelligent if you want to rescue the sound pressed into the vintage vinyl. Also, be prepared to get some solid book shelves to store your records.
The records are the bargain, and everything else that goes along with the vinyl addiction, I mean hobby, sneaks up on you.
In New York City, you don't want that 99 cent record. You are however in good garage/flea territory.

There's a little shop not too far from you in New Paltz. Might be worth the ride there some weekend. Nice little town and great hiking up at Mohonk.

The fall edition of the twice - yearly WFMU Record Fair is this weekend in Manhattan. Depending on who's making the claim it's either the biggest such event in the US or number two after the Austin fair. There's usually not much classical music for sale but just about every other musical genre you can think of (and some genres you can't!) is well represented. Take a look at for details.