Outstanding Drum Performances

Looking for some redbook CD's that feature some dynamic drum riffs...looking to stay in the rock genre but it there is a killer recording out there that is outside of the Rock arena please let me know.

Ag insider logo xs@2xmattkimb96
Spectrum by Billy Cobham is really satisfying. It showcases the talent of the late Tommy Bolin on guitar too.
Also a couple of albums where the drums are mixed up front and also feature some good drumming are Landing on Water by Neil Young and Ghost in the Machine by The Police.
Ginger Baker. Some more jazz oriented and some more rock but all interesting and some great. Check out this link for some reviews of his work to see if anything appeals to you.


"Miles Gurtu" a collaboration between some guy name Miles and Trilok Gurtu. A great recording and very interesting music that is heavily percussion based. Sorry I can't remember the details on the Miles guy but I'm not at home to look at the CD.

Buddy Miles "Them Changes"
Iron Butterfly/In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida. There's three versions of this monster tune on the Rhino CD release R3 2304. You're on your own for the black light and lava lamp.