Outstanding Drum Performances

Looking for some redbook CD's that feature some dynamic drum riffs...looking to stay in the rock genre but it there is a killer recording out there that is outside of the Rock arena please let me know.

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Mattkimb96, Doubt that you'll have much luck looking for the Sheffield Drum Record at your local Borders or Best Buy. But you can find it and buy it online at Amazon.com, from Amazon.com marketplace sellers, and you can also read a couple of reviews of it there. Happy listening.
The Sheffield Drum Record is very good. My reference is a CD-R called Drum Improvs done by a guy in St. Louis a few years ago recorded live to hard disk of himself playing a huge drum set. It's not perfect but is far more dynamic than any other drum CD I've ever heard, and the soundstage is huge. I don't know if he is still willing to sell copies as he made it sound like a bit of chore for him to do, but anyone interested can contact me offline for his info.
One more you may want to try is Peter Gabriel's soundtrack to The Last Tempation of Christ. The music is Middle Eastern/North African influenced and, if memory serves, features some startling tuned drum passsages.
You might want to go to DRUMMERWORLD and check out the video section.As a drummer,I suspect you will be shocked by drummers you have never heard of,(many of which I haven't either.)If you change your emphasis to jazz,I will be happy to chime in.I have,in recent years been buying DVD drumming performances,as they generally are about the same price as CD's.Can't play them in my car,but I get to see the live performances,Several of which I never seem to tire of.
I'm suprised no one listed Dafos or The Rythem Devils. If you want something to showcase your system Dafos is one that will do it. I've seen more than one set of woofers go when The Beast comes in at high volume. It's not Rocknroll but Mickey Hart,Airto and others take you on a pretty nice ride playing percussion instruments of various designs. Hart spent big money having percussion instruments replicated from different time periods to play on this recording. Some of them now are in the Smithsonian. The Rythem Devils were Hart and friends left alone in a darkened studio with various percussion instruments and were told to come up with music for the movie Apocalaspe Now. It was suppossed to be used for the scenes when Sheen was going up the river in search of Brando. Both of these are Wilson Recordings and Dafos is on CD but I don't know about The Rythem Devils.