Rush fans on the board ??

Hey, are there any Rush fans here, if so what is your favorite album.
#1 = Hemispheres.

I've been a huge fan since '78 when I saw them when I was 13. I saw them at least 6 times through Permanent Waves and then didn't like MP or anything after for at least 15 years..

I finally warmed up to the post PW work in about '93. when I was a guitar player in a Rush tribute band for 6 years and we played pretty much all of it.

But to me... Rush IS album side tales of good vs evil and exploration, both lyrically and musically.... The 15 minute epic songs of the 70s and early 80s are the coolest..
Moving Pictures

Outstanding music and one of the best album covers ever!
Moving pictures being moved by workers in a moving picture.
HI Rush fans!

I had the chance to see Rush live this past Friday night. It was an awesome show to say the least! These guys have not slowed up at all. They played for close to 2 1/2 hours, no warm up band. All of the greats from years past were played as well as 3 or 4 songs from the new Snakes and Arrows. The new stuff sounds as great as the old stuff.

If they come your way don't miss 'em!
Was that at the Mohegan Sun?
My neighbor went and told me it was much better than he thought it would be. I new I should have gone!