She was a messenger for a very troubled time. Equal rights, the assassination of Kennedy, Vietnam, riots in our cities and collage campuses created some very troubled youth who believed they could change the world. The messages from Dylan, Baez, Guthrie and so many others was change.
These "leaders" speaking through their words help an entire generation change the world. Think about that, none were older than you Goatwuss, yet the world stopped for a time, and great changes happened.
It's one of those "guess you had to be there" things. emotion and energy of generations are portrayed in music, it's not always good however.
These "leaders" speaking through their words help an entire generation change the world. Think about that, none were older than you Goatwuss, yet the world stopped for a time, and great changes happened.
It's one of those "guess you had to be there" things. emotion and energy of generations are portrayed in music, it's not always good however.