Nsgarch, MIT Architecture school? As a fellow Architect I am fully intimidated and completely humbled. That must have been quite a great experience!!!
I then had to go look at your system, Now I feel jealous, I'm not enjoying this morning, we do need to talk however...
Snow-man, you are a friend and as you know, I now live my skiing adventures through you. It was great hearing from you on your vacation plans this winter and I hope you plan on keeping me informed.
Having said that, I do disagree with you on PC of the '60's and '70's. I think riots in the poorest neighborhoods of our nation, riots and killings on our collage campuses, finally exposing the corruption of the Presidential Office and even sit-ins in the Junior High Schools do not qualify as political correct behavior.
Now if you feel the peace, love and Bobby Sherman attitude was PC, I think you missed the point. I do not read Imagine (John Lennon) as political correctness, I read it as love and respect for our fellow man. Sadly this lasted until the hippies got to stoned as to not remember what their cause was. This generation was so close to realizing the truth that it makes me sad to see how far we (human race) has fallen.
Political correctness is no scary halloween customs at the schools, supporting the troops no matter how crazy the reasoning. Calling minorities by the absolute correct name, but not questioning the fairness of their existence. Political correctness is sending vast amounts of money to African charities so we can believe we are doing all we can to help the poorest nations, when actually we have simply turn our backs, "Yes it's tragic, but what more can I do? I already send $$$." Hell, if you need proof of the effects of PC, look at congress, they have not moved in eight years of fear of alienating some group, despite what the masses have asked for. Our nation is no longer a Democracy, it's a forum for the super minority. One atheist complains about the pledge of allegiance in our schools and the entire Government stops to investigate, while thousands of our youth are underfunded by mandated programs that Congress has not gotten around to funding. Is this really what the majority has asked for?
PC states my comments here are not allowed, and as a life long battler of the establishment, I am saddened to see how even you my friend has lost sight of the truth.
BTW, if my complete and honest admiration of MIT Architecture school and my comments above sound like a contradiction, they are not. I must have respect for anyone who worked that hard for a title that I got without any schooling. I chose a thirteen years of experience out of High school rather than "the establishment" and their rules. This got me to the very top of my profession by the age of 35, and I made $$$ every year along the way. PC would dictate people like me not be allowed. Funny thing, 15 years ago the politically correct leaders of Architects made my route no longer available.
The '60's and '70's were a time when anything was possible, and all voices could be heard. Today the only route is the establishments route. No longer is your voice heard if it disagrees, now the protests, if even allowed to gather are forced to gather out of the reach of cameras. And the peace, love and Bobby Sherman? Could we as a nation be any further away???
PC, don't get me started!!!!