Best Concert Film

I never seem to tire of Talking Heads great concert film, "Stop Making Sense". Never ceases to get the adrenaline pumping, the foot taping, and a smile from ear-to-ear. I used to have a VHS tape of it long ago.

Any other nominations for "Best Concert Film" of all time? I couldn't find any threads in the archives on the subject.

Not to everybody's taste, I'm sure, but Nine Inch Nails "All That Could Have Been" is the best recording on a concert DVD that I've heard. I love the music, and from the moment the first electric guitars start up, with the subterranean bass, it's off and running for 2 hours of non-stop energy.

They're coming out with an HD-DVD version of their latest tour. My guess is that it will go straight to the top of the list. Trent Reznor has always been a fanatic for great sound - the CDs, the DVDs and the concerts all sound great.

Unfortunately it is not on video, but one of the most enjoyable live recordings of the rock era (IMHO) is the Tubes 1978 effort "What do you want from live!". I had it on 8-track back in the day and received the reissued version on CD this past Christmas. I think I've listened to it about 100 times since then! I don't know what happened to the tubes after this album, but I can say that if they had continued as they were up to 1978, they should have become one of the greatest rock groups of all time.


Black Eyed Peas "Live from Sydney to Vegas". Superb recording and superb editing of the video. The tracks from Sydney are the best recordings of a concert I have heard so far. If you want a concert that really takes you there with audiophile sound quality then I recommend this one....oodles of dynamic range and extremely well balanced between quiet passages and loud passages creating great contrast; crank it to at least 100 DB SPL continuous without any hint of the usual audible harshness of pop music. (unfortunately this kind of dynamic range is missing from BEP's studio CD's which can sound harsh, as they fell victim to the loudness wars)

BTW; if you live in an appartment or somwhere you can't listen loud then this concert will not really blossom for you...

If you are interested this is the man behind it all Tal Herzberg
Ray Charles, "A Fool For You", 1988, PBS Dance In America Telecast, Unfortunately not available in any format. (Incredible performance, Ray was still in his prime) Fool for You, the closing ballet of the 1988 American Music Festival, is the only Ray Charles ballet in existence! A modern ballet set to twelve songs performed on stage by Ray Charles, his orchestra, and the Raelettes. Georgia on My Mind, Ain't That Love, Don't You Know, It Should've Been Me, Hit the Road Jack, Rockhouse, Mess Around, A Fool for You, I've Got a Woman, Drown in My Tears, What'd I Say, Ol' Man River, America the Beautiful, by Ray Charles and various composers