What song best sums up the previous year?

Is there a song that stands out to you that for any reason sums up the year 2005?
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Jdombrow - Some of us like to be lied to, while our Treasury is plundered, while our international reputation is destroyed, while we send those who volunteered to defend our borders away to be targets without proper equipment or training for the mission and no support when they return, while the principles of a religion of love is perveted to support a culture of hate avarice and war, while a country founded on the value of people is sold out to corporate interests, while the resources needed to rebuild our own country are squandered, and while our leaders flaunt their sacred oath to support protect and defend the Constitution. Our patriotism is so heavy that it totally squeezes out cognizance. How simple of you to notice. Shame on you for attempting to awaken us!