Hallelujah by Lenard Cohen

What female vocalists have sung this song and on what albums? I know I have at least one rendition of this and can not seem to find it.
I'm pretty sure you have to play it backwards to hear the lyrics.

I had a feeling you knew the last key to revealing the holy grail of track 10. I just didn't want to give it ALL away!


PS Beautiful system, BTW. Now there's an SS system I'd like to hear! It strikes back to a similar combination that I found unforgettable from having heard it in late 80's (powerful, clean, bi-amped SS driving large MLs). Raised the hairs on the back of my neck.
And as we stray even farther, Leonard Cohen is one the greatest songwriters ever...period.
one more suggestion, though a tad obscure: The Dresden Dolls, with Amanda Palmer on vocals. Extradordinary, achingly sad. you can probably pick it up on the net, on their website. or i can send it to you as an attachment. quite amazing.
Allison Crowe, a Canadian singer/songwriter, does a great version on her album Tidings. You can listen to it on her web site at http://www.allisoncrowe.com/ .

Thanks--my doors are open you are welcome to listen the next time you are in Iowa city (I should be safe--who goes to Iowa City?) Seriously though, I'm always happy to have a listening session with fellow audiophiles.