Burning a dics for a road trip, suggestions...

If you were buring a dics for a LONG distance trip, what tracks would you consider a must?

I tend to included more energetic rock, but would love any (reasonable) suggestions. : )
I like full CD's when I am road-trippin

Here are a few favorites ...

Bob Seager - Live Bullet
Jackson Browne - Running on Empty
Springsteen - Born to Run
Allman Brothers - Live at the Fillmore East
Grateful Dead - Terrapin Station
Wilco - YHF
Steely Dan - Katie Lied / Pretzel Logic
Widespread Panic - Bombs & Butterflies
Van Halen - Diver Down
Led Zeppelin - I
Don't forget "The Road Goes on Forever (& The Party Never Ends")
R.E. Keen or The Highwaymen
I most heartly agree with Horseface but, would add one more album to the list. REO Speedwagon's "Decade of Rock and Roll" It's a live album of their greatest hits before all that later top forty crap they came out with in the 80s and later.