How Can I Use MY IPOD For a Music Source?

I was wondering if anyone could tell me what the best avenue is for putting together a high-end system (speakers, amp, etc...) but running my music data off an IPOD? Is there a converter to take the info from the IPOD to the amp? I tried using a monster RCA connector from my IPOD into my Classe' CP-45 preamp and it was limited on the output. I've recently sold all of my equipment and looking to put a new system together and would like to use my IPOD as the main data base for my music. Thanks for any suggestions you might have.
I just got the Sonus wireless system. PC to wireless....and using TosLink to my hi end DAC (DCC2). Far, far, far better than using an IPOD as a source, and I also have used the Audioline Out Jena cable (which is great for using w/ portable amps/IPOD on the go). Its not even close. Resolution, smooth everything. The difference is startling and I guess it should be given the DAC in the IPOD would be no match for the DCC2. If you already have a good DAC or CD player with a TOS link input, I strongly recommend it.
Friends have asked about an iPod-based system for a different part of the
house. What I was thinking about for them is a pair of the wonderful NHT
M-00's, which are powered speakers, and some kind of easy dock for them to
place their iPods in. Would something like>this from
Keystone work for this application? The remote would actually be a very good
feature for them.

I bought the similar Kensington Stereo Dock for both my daughters and it works really well for the situation you're describing. The Keyspan dock looks even better, though, with a better range of controls on the remote and the use of RF for the remote instead of infrared. I found the Kensington on sale for less than $30 and at that price it was a bargain.